
Gode digitale ambitioner savner de nødvendige investeringer

Der er gode ambitioner i den aftale, regeringen netop har indgået med De Radikale og Dansk Folkeparti om at gøre Danmark til en digital frontløber. Skal ambitionerne realiseres, må regeringen dog droppe de fortsatte besparelser på erhvervsuddannelserne.

Danish workers: we don?t fear the robots

According to LO?s new and extensive globalisation survey, Danish workers are technology enthusiasts and highly aware that robots and digitization will require more training and education in the future.

Fair conditions could make the platform economy flourish

In the past, day labourers lived with the constant uncertainty of not knowing if they could find enough work to feed the family. But, eventually, workers united to stop such conditions in Denmark. And this is how it should remain - also when it comes to the digital labour market of the future.

Mindre virksomheder skal rustes mod disruption

Mere end halvdelen af alle privatansatte lønmodtagere arbejder i små eller mellemstore virksomheder. Men virksomhederne investerer for lidt i fremtidens teknologi. Derfor foreslår LO en økonomisk håndsrækning, der skal fremtidssikre både medarbejdere og virksomheder.

Disruptionrådet skal finde løsninger, der skaber tryghed

I dag holdt regeringens ?Disruptionråd - Partnerskab for Fremtidens Danmark? det første møde. LO?s formand Lizette Risgaard sidder med i rådet og vil blandt andet slå fast, at fremtidens arbejdsmarked kræver et stærkt sikkerhedsnet og massive investeringer i lønmodtagerenes kompetencer.

The Disruption Council

Today, the Disruption Council ?A partnership for Denmark?s future?, established by the Danish government held its first meeting. LO?s President, Lizette Risgaard sits on the Council and will, among other things, maintain that the future labour market requires a strong safety net and massive investments into skills development for workers.