Because of the French President?s keen interest in the Danish flexicurity model, Danish LO has, on numerous occasions, received French delegations and shared with them our experiences and the social partners? stake in the model.
During these encounters, LO has stressed the importance of adequate social security and an active labour market policies combined with a strong focus on skills? development. These elements that constitute the security-element in flexicurity are why workers will accept a high level of flexibility. The security element ensures that getting fired will not result in a loss of livelihood and homelessness. It also ensures that the workforce has the right skills that are in demand on the labour market.
Involve social partners in labour market reforms
During one of multiple visits from French delegations to the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions, LO’s First Vice President, Arne Grevsen, said
-We are, of course, proud whenever our model is brought forward as a good example. This model works for us.
-However, it is important to understand that it might be difficult to transfer one labour market model directly to another country. I would therefore strongly encourage the French government to engage with the social partners when designing labour market reforms.
Our model is under pressure from the EU
-The fact that our model is not directly transferable to another country is also illustrated by some of the difficulties we experience in connection with EU-legislation, the First Vice President said to the French delegations.
-We are experiencing an increased pressure on our labour market model as new legislative proposals from the EU do not always take our agreement-based model into account.
-Our model works for us. It is one of the reasons why we have a very well functioning labour market. Therefore, we are very focussed on ensuring that EU-legislation respects the different national labour market models, Arne Grevsen concluded.
The message from LO-President Lizette Risgaard during the French state visit on twitter was also clear:
Welcome @EmmanuelMacron. I’m aware of your great interest in the Danish flexicurity model. But please remember: the model rests on strong investments in skills? development policies, social security and active labour market policies. No flex without security 😉 #work #MacronDK