The Barbershop concept, developed in Iceland, is to engage boys and men in gender equality issues. Trade Union representatives from the Nordic and Baltic countries participated in the inspiring event.
The speakers included Nordic Ministers, experts, business pioneers and academics and the aim was to bring together leaders from the public and private sector for a discussion on how to achieve gender equality. The focus was on the ways men can contribute to this work.
Reykjavik Energy closes the gender pay gap
Reykjavik Energy – traditionally a male-dominated utility company ? shared how it has managed to close the gender pay gap. In 2008, the gap was 8.4 % and by September this year, it was down to 1.1%. ?By the end of the year, it will be 0%?, promised Reykjavik Energy CEO, Barni Bjarnasson.
In 2011, the percentage of women in management at Reykjavik Energy was 29%, but by 2017, they had reached the target of 50/50. ?Mixed workplaces are better workplaces?, Bjarnasson maintained.
Another company to come forward and share experiences was IKEA. ?We celebrate men who take paternity leave in India,? said Sari Brody, Equality and Diversity Manager at IKEA. His contribution illustrated how gender equality can be a challenge in other parts of the world with a somewhat different culture.
Results of the Gender Equality Index 2017
The Barbershop took place the day after EIGE, The European Institute for Gender Equality, published the Gender Equality Index 2017. It revealed that Sweden and Denmark were in the top-two.